What Comes Next?

Joy McKenzie

Graduation is just under 4 months away, girls are buying their prom dresses, and college acceptances are finally beginning to roll in. Soon, seniors will be high school graduate and we will have a lot of new found freedom with our diplomas. But what comes next? For most, it’s just selecting at what college they’ll spend the next four years of their formal education. But there’s plenty of alternatives that soon to be former Bobcats will be taking.

The Gap Year

The ever popular gap year is becoming more and more prevalent in American students uncertain of what the future holds for them, or those who desire a break from the their traditional academia schedule they’ve been following for 12 years of their lives. Students do anything from volunteer work, interning, or something as cliché as backpacking though Europe. This is becoming so popular, in fact, that top colleges are encouraging their admitted student to defer for a year, such as Harvard and Princeton.


A lot of students seek to enlist in the army after they receive their diploma. This is a great option for those who seek a career in the U.S. Armed Forces, or those eager to serve our country. Taylor Axelson is one of the multiple students who will be entering basic training in just 5 months. He had always planned to go to college, but after taking the SATs, he realized university wasn’t for him.

Taylor said “I’ve always wanted to help others, and I’m naturally a protective person. This field just felt right.”

Trade Schools

The 4-year bachelor degree isn’t the only kind of schooling available. Schools such as the UTI Auto Mechanic Schools or ITT Technical Institute can provide a great option for those who futures involve carpentering, construction, tech, or something else that doesn’t a require college diploma.

No Plans

And of course, there’s Bobcats who don’t know where they’ll be next fall, and that’s fine too. There are those who are still uncertain, and all that stands between them and their goal is a slightly thick envelope. Our lives are constantly subject to change. So wherever you find yourself in September, act in a manner worthy of your Bel Air diploma. That is, if you do walk across that stage in June.