American Red Cross Blood Donation is a Success

Connor Hires

The blood drive held for the American Red Cross on Monday, Dec. 14, 2015 was very successful.

The Red Cross has been collecting blood donations since World War II, where it collected 13.3 million pints for the armed forces. The Red Cross now collects 5.3 million units of blood from 3.1 million donors nationwide, and distributes over 7.7 million blood products to those in need.

Mrs. McDonough was very pleased with the turnout, commenting, “We did great! Our goal was to collect 44 units and we were able to collect 43. Those 43 units will help the 129 area patients with their blood needs.”

A huge amount of thanks goes out to all the teachers and students who were able to donate. If you were unable to donate but still want to contribute, you can visit to learn about their volunteering, financial donation, and fundraising opportunities. Great work, Bobcats!