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The Bellarion

The Bellarion

The Bellarion

Ryan Monardo and Emily Gryglewski Selected as Cesky Scholarship Winners for BAHS

On Wednesday May 16, 2012, the Al Cesky Scholarship Fund will award $5,000 at the 27th Annual Al Cesky Scholarship Fund Awards Banquet .   In addition, the Al Cesky Scholarship Fund also awards a $2,000 scholarship to one male and one  female Student-Athlete from each Harford County (Public and Private) High School.  This year the Bel Air High School Scholarship Winners are Ryan Monardo and Emily Gryglewski.   Tonight they honored for their achievements at a banquet held at the Richlin Ballroom in Edgewood

“The Cesky Scholarship is and was well organized.  Many of his former students and athletes have been involved in the scholarship since the beginning, as have many friends in the community.  The scholarship reflects the respect that so many people had for Coach Cesky. This scholarship is remindful of all that Al did for the students and athletes in the county. It is an honor for a student to be selected as a recipient for the Cesky Scholarship,” says Mr. Jack McCracken. Mr. McCracken began teaching and coaching at Bel Air High School in 1965 and worked closely with Mr. Cesky until 1979.

“This award has provided me with financial assurance for when I attend college. Winning this scholarship has motivated me to continue to strive for high academic goals. I understand that hard work does pay off, and I am eager to begin the next phase of my education,” says Bel Air scholarship winner, Ryan Monardo.

Al Cesky was the head coach of the football, basketball and baseball team at Bel Air High school for 15 years before being promoted to assistant principal. Despite his athletic success, Cesky prided himself in how his players performed in the class room more than how they played on the field.   Al Cesky is credited with doing many great things to improve athletics not only at Bel Air High School, but also in Harford County,  including the introducing boys lacrosse, girls lacrosse, golf, soccer, swimming, and tennis to the school.

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Bel Air English Teacher, Mr. Blackburn stated, “I honestly believe that this is the highest honor that a student athlete can receive in Harford County.  Personally, I always hold these award winners in the highest regard.  This scholarship embodies everything we should be striving for as students and educators in the high school setting.  Emily and Ryan should be proud to receive this prestigious  award, as should their families.  It definitely is a tribute to their hard work while in high school.”

“I believe I was nominated for this award through my successful balance of sports and academics. I always managed to find ample amounts of time to complete my assignments at a high level as well as being able to continue to strive for success in football. Winning this award signifies all the hard work and dedication I have put into my school work since beginning high school. I am proud that my productive working habits have behooved me for future educational pursuits,” says senior Ryan Monardo.

Congratulations Emily and Ryan.