How to Overcome Procrastination

Natalie Peckham

By definition, the word procrastination means the action of delaying or postponing something. Now come on, we all know that one time or another you have said “I’m going to do this when I get home,” but you get distracted and start watching Netflix. Now before you know it, you’re scrambling to get things done at 11:00 p.m. the night before it’s due.

It happens to the best of us, but in the moment, you’re rushing around your house yelling at anybody who comes within five feet of you. So Bobcats, we here at The Bellarion are here to help. There are many different strategies to get your work done and not be rushing the night before it’s due.

  1. The worst-first approach. When you first sit down to do your homework, do the hardest and most overwhelming assignment first. You are more motivated and more likely to complete an assignment when you first start. This way, you have no excuse to “get tired” or “wiped out”.
  2. Reward yourself. Set a system where you use pleasurable activities as a means of rewarding yourself after you’ve done a task. Whether that’s taking a snack break or watching an episode of your favorite show on Netflix. Just make sure you get back to your work after the break.
  3. Set reminders. If you have a major project due, set multiple reminders on your phone of the due date and what needs to be done. If electronic reminders don’t work for you, place bright colored post it notes around your house. Put one on your phone, on your bathroom mirror, on your book bag, anywhere that you go on a daily basis. That way you can never forget.
  4. Minimize potential distractions. If you know you easily get distracted, do your work in a place that is free from them. Whether that is your bedroom, the kitchen, or even outside on a nice sunny day. Just don’t get distracted by the bird flying around your front yard.
  5. Break goals into chunks. If you have multiple days to complete an assignment, break it up into different days and different aspects of the assignment.
  6. If you have five days to complete a project or assignment, attempt to complete it by the fourth day. That way, when all of your friends are texting you frantically the day before it’s due, you have it done and you don’t have to stress about it.

Procrastination is a major stressor for many high school students. Even when you say I procrastinated last time, I’m not going to do it again, you’re still rushing to finish the night before the due date. Now, I’m not saying that these tips are going to magically prevent you from procrastinating, because it’s going to happen. But at least you can take a look at these and make a plan for how you are going to prevent your procrastination. There’s only two quarters left bobcats, let’s get these assignments done!