To Do or Not to Do at Senior Week: That Is the Question

Matt Robertson

When off to senior week, there are, of course some general rules that need to be followed. Your parents will most likely try to have a conversation with you over the next few weeks in which they set these rules. They may also attempt to offer you advice as far as planning goes. To save you the time, as well as spare you the necessary human interaction, here are those are some of the likely rules and guidelines in a condensed format.

Do Take the bus. The bus is a cheap and, not to mention, entertaining mode of transportation. This also helps you avoid the stress of traffic

Don’t Ride a unicycle down Costal Highway. This will almost certainly result in personal injury. Or incarceration. Or Both.

DoHave a place to stay set up. If you’re just now scrambling to find one, it’s probably too late.

Don’t Break into a house and stay there. This may sound appealing at first, but a general rule of thumb is to avoid breaking and entering.

DoTry to eat relatively healthy. Your digestive system would appreciate it.

Don’tEat nothing but marshmallow fluff for an entire week. No one is going to thank you for that.

DoBudget your cash. Don’t spend all your money on day one, you might need it later. Just a thought.

Don’tSpend all your money on the first day, and rob a bank to subsidize your lack of cash. Much like breaking and entering, armed robbery should be avoided. In fact, just avoid felonies all together.

DoBrush up on what is a felony and what isn’t. Laws are always changing, for example it is now illegal to siphon ink for another person’s pen.

Don’tSiphon ink from another person’s pen. That’s illegal.

DoTry to set a self imposed curfew. Your brain needs sleep to function.

Don’t Go four or five nights without any sleep at all. While this can only end in comic relief for spectators, it may not turn out so well for you.

DoWear sunscreen while at the beach. A tan looks nice. A bad case of sun burn does not.

Don’t Substitute butter for sunscreen. You’ll end up sautéing yourself. For those of you who aren’t sure what that means, it’s not good.

Do Enjoy yourself.

Don’tCommit any felonies. Really can’t stress that enough.