Secret Seniors Are Back!


Ali McSpadden

The Secret Senior sign up will begin at 7:00 a.m. on Thursday, Sept. 29, 2016.

Ms. Sokolis and Mrs. Benfield will be running Secret Senior this year.

After signing up, seniors must also attend a brief meeting about the rules and expectations of the Secret Senior program.

“This is the fifth year of the Secret Seniors program.” Says Ms. Sokolis. “Seniors that participate will select a teacher of their choosing and give the teacher treats or inspirational notes once a month for the entire school year. At the end of the school year, all of the secret seniors will reveal their identities to their teachers on Secret Senior Reveal Day. It’s fun for teachers and students because many teachers also send surprises back to their secret senior throughout the year.”

Seniors must be assigned to a specific teacher.

“Each teacher can only have one secret senior. Counselors, secretaries, the school nurse and principals can be selected too,” explains Ms. Sokolis.

Seniors will reveal their identities on Friday, May 12th.