Band and Jazz Band Rock the House With Holiday Tunes

Emily Leauge

With the changing of seasons come the BAHS winter concerts. The Band conducted theirs in the auditorium on Thursday, Dec. 4, and the Jazz Band held theirs on Friday, Dec. 5.

The band kept in the spirit of the season by performing multiple holiday songs. The Freshmen Band played Jingle Bells followed by Reindeer Rumba, The Twelve Songs of Christmas, Rain, and Christmas at the Circus. The Freshmen Band hit the stage first followed by the Symphonic Band, who delighted the audience with Christmas songs as well. They played Northwood: of Might and Mettle, Christmas Prism, Arctic Fire, Joy to The World and Sleigh Ride. Both rocked the house.

Senior member of the Symphonic band, Jenna Coster, commented, “Playing in the winter concert is always a fun experience. Everyone is excited for the holidays so it gets a little crazy, but we put in a lot of hard work and it showed.”

The following night the Jazz Band conducted their winter concert. Not only did the Jazz Band perform a number of holiday songs, including God Rest ‘Ye Merry Gentleman. They incorporated modern hits into their concert as well, such as Happy by Pharrell Williams.

Well-deserved clapping filled the auditorium at the conclusion of both the Jazz and Band winter concerts.