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The Bellarion

The Bellarion

The Bellarion

Student Art to be on Display in Media Center

Bel Air High School will be exhibiting a wide variety of student artwork on April 25, 2013 at the annual art exhibit in the Bel Air High School Media Center. The art should be up on display in the Media Center for the next two weeks.


The Art show has taken a new form this year, and instead will be more like an exhibit. Students who have entered their artwork will not be judged by the art teachers, the categories have been removed and will instead just be displayed in the library.


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All the art teaches will have art from their classes displayed at the exhibit in a variety of mediums. Pencil, pastel, photography, paint and sculpture will all be included and on display at this year’s exhibit.


In reference to the diversity of mediums, BAHS Art Department Chairperson Ms. Crocker said “You name it, that’s probably what’s going to be submitted. Different sculptural mediums, different drawn mediums, and different painting mediums.”


Joe Rein, a participant in the art exhibit, stated, “I am proud to have my hard work displayed for all to see. I’m looking forward to seeing all of the cool stuff people have created.


The art exhibit will be open to all students to come and view.