Briana Conrad
The French Honor Society inductees for 2024 take a group photo after the ceremony.
On Wednesday, April 24, the Language Honor Societies (French, German, and Spanish) inducted their new members and sent off seniors with a ceremony and a celebration.
At 6:30 p.m., parents and students alike were invited to support students who have dedicated their years at Bel Air High School to a language. All three languages got their respective time on stage, with new inductees receiving their certificates and citing their pledge. Seniors who were already a part of the Honor Societies were also honored with congratulations and a nice send-off.
French Honor Society kicked off the ceremony by honoring Seniors Corneliu Oboroc, Aubrey Klarman, Bethany Gale, Daniel Morelli, and Hayden Jurch. The new inductees performed a Quebecois folk dance to set the mood for the night. The 12 inductees this year included all three grade levels, and, led by Madame Jessica Antonakos, she exclaimed her appreciation for both the graduating seniors and the new inductees.

Next up was German Honor Society, performing a German song led by Senior Brett Conway. New inductees this year were greeted by Officers Bo Edwards, Spencer Schulze, Patrick Smith, Maggie Tsomos, and Dawson Zacharko. Herr Nathaniel Schoppert, leader of GHS, insists this group of kids is the most entertaining he’s had in his career.
Lastly, Spanish Honor Society brought forth the biggest sea of members, led by Senora Victoria Pomponi. They performed a well-choreographed dance and were inducted by Seniors Kaiser Bruso, Caroline Holloway, Meghan Davis, and Jonathan Zylka. A plethora of new inductees and graduating seniors received their certificates for completion.
It was a very successful night to celebrate our students with cake and pictures following the ceremony, and we’re looking forward to our new inductees filling in the shoes of graduating seniors.