100 Heighe Street · Bel Air, MD 21014 · 410-638-4600

The Bellarion

The Bellarion

The Bellarion

What to Expect After Winter Break


As winter break approaches, adrenaline for the time off gets high and so does the pressure of the end of the quarter, upcoming exams, and other events around the school. We want to help make the transition back from break as easy as possible for the students at Bel Air High School.  

End of Second Quarter

The end of the 2nd quarter approaches quickly after students return from break.  Quarter 2 officially ends January 12, 2023, and report cards will be available on HAC on January 26, 2023. Make sure that prior to winter break, all outstanding missing assignments are turned in to your teachers to ensure a stress-free winter break! 

MCAP Testing

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Another quickly approaching event after we return from winter break is MCAP testing. The week of January 2nd, Algebra 1 and 2 MCAP tests will be given to students enrolled in those courses. After these tests there will be several more weeks of varying MCAP tests for the students at Bel Air High School.  

AP and SAT Testing

Along with MCAP tests, AP and SAT tests will be happening during the third and fourth quarters. If you are enrolled in an AP class and have decided to take the AP test, all tests will be given through the days of May 6 and May 17.  All AP and SAT test dates can be found on the HCPS website under Assessment calendars.  

2nd to 3rd Quarter Class Changes

If you are currently enrolled in a 2-quarter long class, such as gym or health, starting January 15th, you will go to your next 2-quarter class. This class with begin the first day of the third quarter and continues until the end of the school year. If you are enrolled in a 2-quarter class, you will also need to take a final at the end of the 2nd quarter. Remember, a new class means a fresh start!