Senior’s 2023 Graduation a Success
June 2, 2023
On Thursday, June 1, 2023, the Bel Air High School Seniors celebrated their graduation at Harford Community College. The ceremony was a joyous occasion, filled with excitement and pride as the students received their diplomas and celebrated their accomplishments.
Awards Ceremony
Before graduation, on Tuesday, May 31, an award ceremony was held in the Bel Air Auditorium for the seniors who achieved the highest academic success. Awarding them with their respectful cords that designate their accomplishments. At the ceremony, Bryson Calamita was given an ROTC athletic scholarship estimating over 98,0000 dollars to West Virginia University. Other seniors also received scholarships of various prizes, including Ethan Lam, Gavin Harris, Shayla Kinder, and Zachary Rey, just to name a few.

Stand out students from our Bellarion staff included Ellie Harris and Eva Trujillo, who received honor cords as well as scholarships.
Senior Malorey Castle was the recipient of our English department award for her hard work with Reverie and Yearbook. She also received awards from the Special Education department for her work as a mentor.
Faculty coordinator Mrs. Joni Poust loves seeing the families celebrate their children at the ceremony. She notes that so many seniors miss out on this special ceremony, when they could be a part of it. “We begin the ceremony by awarding seniors with scholarships from our community and government. The only way to receive this “free money” for college is to apply!” Poust advises. “So many seniors don’t take time to apply, and they could easily receive thousands of dollars that will help pay for college by just completing an application or essay.”
The ceremony began at 6:00 PM, with the graduating seniors marching into the HCC Arena to the sounds of our alma mater.The students were dressed in Bobcat navy blue, with many of them sporting colorful cords to signify their achievements and honors.
The ceremony was attended by a large crowd of family members, friends, and faculty members, who cheered on the graduates as they received their diplomas. The valedictorian, Maritza Mercado, and Senior Class president, Carlos Sanchez, gave an inspiring speech, reflecting on their time at Bel Air High School and looking forward to the future.
Last but most certainly not least, Mr. Mark Witkoski, science teacher, was selected to be the keynote speaker for this year’s graduation. He did not disappoint! With a focus on books, Witkoski talked about the Covid-19 pandemic, “gifts” of life, and the “old cliché quote, ‘Life just hit you in the face!'” His response was wise: “But life is the best teacher…and the toughest teacher.”
After the ceremony, the graduates and their families gathered outside to take photos and celebrate their achievements. The students expressed their excitement about the future and their plans for college, careers, and beyond.
Bel Air High School Principal, Robert DeLeva, praised the students for their hard work and dedication, and encouraged them to continue to strive for excellence in all that they do.
Congratulations Bel High School Seniors Class of 2023! You all have the power to achieve anything you set your mind to. All your hard work paid off and we are so proud of everything you’ve accomplished.