Harford County Choral Assessments Ring Out from BAHS
April 26, 2023
During the first three periods on B1234, the Treble, Tenor-Base, and Pop choirs of Bel Air High School all performed in the Harford County Invitational Choral Festival. This festival was hosted by BAHS and the choral director here, Ms. Terri Mathews. In this festival, choirs from all over the county attended and were assessed on their performances.
Matthews, as always, was proud of her students. When asked about the day, she shared “I enjoyed hearing all the other choirs at the festival. It was good for my students to see other groups and be supportive to the other schools. Our choirs performed very well…[but] I was most proud of the way our students were attentive, respectful and supportive audience members.”