Honors English Students Enjoy Classic “Romeo and Juliet” in Person

Makaila Guerrier, Staff Writer

On Tuesday April 11, 2023, Mrs. Laura Willhelm’s Honor English I class went on a trip to the Chesapeake Shakespeare Company in Baltimore to watch the classic Romeo and Juliet live in the theater after concluding their reading of the play. 

Romeo and Juliet is a staple piece of literature. The wording may be outdated, but the message stays the same. Some students found the book hard to read and analyze, but they displayed perseverance when they finished it. Seeing the play in live action is not only an incentive but also provides visual representation that helps students understand the emotion and weight of the story. 

Reflecting on the trip, Wilhelm was very pleased with the performance. ” I thought the trip was awesome. I would recommend going to see their performances to anyone who likes theater.”  She also said she was amused that the cast was interacting with the crowd. Overall, she and her students enjoyed the trip. According to Willhelm, the middle schoolers who were also attending the show were extremely reactive and made the show “like a real Shakespearean audience.”

This play has been studied in class, and now they had the chance to see it acted out on stage and view it with a new perspective. According to Willhelm, the students had a great time and really enjoyed the experience, especially meeting the actors afterward. This field trip will not only serve as an entertaining experience for the students, but also further enhance their understanding and appreciation of Shakespeare’s timeless tale.