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The Bellarion

The Bellarion

The Bellarion

Don’t know what you want to do for Senior Year? Think about apprenticeships!


There are many options that seniors can choose from. You can choose to be a half-day student which leaves room for work or HCC courses, or you choose to do full days. But did you know that you can be a half-time student and be a part of a program that will allow you to earn extra credits while also getting paid for it? 

We’re here today to introduce you to apprentices. The HCPS Maryland apprenticeship program is a chance to learn about the career path of your interest during high school. This program is dedicated to allowing students around the state to gain experience and knowledge while gaining industry experience through onsite training.  

For example, let’s say you wanted to be a chef. You could join the apprenticeship in a certain restaurant (not fast food, an actual restaurant) and they will take you in with a mentor. You’ll be in the kitchen watching the chef doing their job so that you can learn from them.  

There are a surplus number of apprentices besides being a chef. There are pathways for arts, media, and communications, business management, construction, customer service, tourism, hospitality, environmental, agriculture, natural resources, health and bioscience, human resource services, information technology, manufacturing and engineering, and transportation technologies. In each of those areas they offer many different jobs to test out.  

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If you chose this course in apprentices, you would still go to school even if you’re doing part time. When it comes to part time, the apprentices will tie in with your schedule. 

Let’s say you have 4 classes you must take. If you choose to have 2 classes every day, the apprenticeship will most likely take place around 11 if you’re leaving at 10:30. If you choose to take four classes in one day and have the next day off, then you would most likely have apprentices every other day instead of everyday. It is all up to you and what fits in with your schedule.  

So, what do you gain from apprentices? Experience with the pathway jobs is always nice and all, there are other benefits such as getting paid and getting extra credits. With apprenticeships, you can earn up to 15 dollars an hour. You can also gain up to 4 school credits, which could tremendously boost your GPA.  

When you are on an apprenticeship, you have a certain number of hours that you must work. You must work up to 450 hours. One thing that you must have when it comes to being on an apprenticeship is reliable transportation. You MUST have a way to get to the place you’re going to. Whether you drive, or if your parents take you there, or if you take an uber, or if you must walk; You must find a way to get there on time. There are hundreds of students who want to participate in this program. If you call out because you can’t make it or you don’t have a ride, you can be replaced.