Quiz: What BAHS Club Would Be a Good Fit for You?
Want to get involved but not sure where to start? Take the quiz below and see the best fit for your personality!
September 30, 2022
It’s that time of year– clubs are starting up at BAHS! Want to get involved but not sure where to start? Take the quiz below and see the best fit for your personality!
What are you looking for in an activity?
a. A place where I can do something that will make an impact on our school or community
b. A place where I can meet new people passionate about the same things as me
c. A place where I can discuss important topics separate from what can be discussed in classes
d. A place where we spread kindness
If you had to pick one of these options to say you’re most passionate about, which would it be?
a. Working to make a change
b. Finding a community passionate about similar issues to my own
c. A space where we can talk about the important things that are usually pushed to the side in a classroom setting
d. Spreading positivity and kindness
What do you expect to gain as a club member?
a. Leadership skills and the ability to work towards a change in a collaborative setting
b. New friendships and a safe space
c. Speaking skills and discussion speaking skills
d. A community of people working towards a positive change
How would you describe your typical morning?
a. I get up and go. Make my coffee and run out the door. I’m a morning person!
b. I catch up to date on socials, see what’s going on with the things I’m passionate about. I don’t always have the fastest start to my day, but I always get everything done and I’m efficient.
c. I check the news right away and see if anything has changed in the world. I have an organized daily routine that I follow each morning.
d. I’m an easy-going person in the morning. I take it slow and steady, sometimes hit snooze multiple times.
Check out the graphic to see your results!