Go Green!


Jenna Ranney

Reduce, reuse, and recycle. We all know that phrase when it comes to “going green,” but we all don’t follow through with those guiding words. Climate change is mainly caused by the human interactions with the world, decimating species and ruining the Earth as we know it. We are in the largest mass extinction, even bigger than the one to wipe out all the dinosaurs. Animals need all the help they can get with their changing ecosystems because of humans. Litter from humans is being eaten by animals and killing them in many ways. By following those three simple words of reduce, reuse, and recycle, a change can be made for animals and for the Earth. Even if it’s the tiniest of change.

Reducing waste is step number one. Scaling down your use of plastic can decrease the amount of fossil fuels needed to burn the material. This also reduces the amount of waste needed to be recycled or sent to landfills. Cigarettes are a huge cause of litter effecting animals because animals eat them and can choke or suffer hazards to their health as a result. Minimizing the amount of goods you buy can reduce the amount raw materials needed to make that product. This includes buying products that don’t use as much packaging or buying products in bulk. Reducing the amount of electricity by turning off power when it isn’t being used and unplugging objects that don’t need charging can add up to a lot of saved energy and a lot less fossil fuels needed in the long run. Solar panels are expensive, but can help the environment and be cheaper in the end. Reducing as a whole can make a huge impact on the Earth and animals. With less trash, such as plastic laying out, animals who might become caught in the garbage will saved and so will the ecosystem. 

Reusing is step number two. There are many easy ways to reuse things, which can decrease many harmful actions such as burning of fossil fuels to make more materials, littering of trash everywhere, and buying of products. With all this trash in the world, we simply don’t have enough space, and with all this trash comes landfills which incinerates it, releasing huge amounts of CO2 into the air. Having one reusable water bottle can save you money from buying multiple plastic water bottles and reduce the huge amount out of trash that has been accumulating. A water bottle can be refilled, washed, and used repeatedly with the same benefits of a plastic water bottle, but overall is more Earth friendly. Not to mention it is healthier to drink out of a reusable water bottle. Another thing is reusing jars, containers, and bowls instead of using and throwing away plastic baggies all the time. Lastly, reusing clothes like buying used clothes or using someone’s old clothes can reduce production for that product helping the Earth.

Recycling is the last step. If you are going to buy cans, plastic, and paper, recycle it so it can be used in the production of something else instead of being taken and burned in landfills. Recycling bins for cans, plastic, and paper are found in every classroom around the school, in the hallways, and in the cafeteria. Trees are cut down in large amounts to make products such as paper which we use every single day in large amounts. However, trees are essential in the ecosystem, so recycling old paper to make new paper and other products can reduce the need for as much deforestation.

Climate change is something very important that many people realize, but don’t do anything about it. If everyone or even a community of people set forth to “go green,” we could better all organisms’ lives and our future. There is still time to restore and help the Earth and the amazing plants and animals living on it. Be sure to do your part, and help your home. Go green!