2nd Quarter Tips

Blake Lioi

If you struggled throughout the first quarter and didn’t receive the grades wanted, then here are a few tips to help you get off to a better jump to this newly started second quarter.

The first thing you should start doing is your homework. Homework is very important to each class that it’s given in. It helps you comprehend what you are doing in class, and it’s easy points to get.

If test and quizzes were the reason your grade wasn’t where you wanted it, then start studying. Studying, along with doing your homework will help you do better in the class and if you aren’t quite getting it, then get with a tutor so you’re not lost when the big test is sitting in front of you.

Another way to get better grades in your classes is to work hard on any projects that are given. Projects are usually worth the most points in classes so whenever one is giving, capitalize on it and work hard so that you receive a good grade. This will also help you out if you struggle with test and quizzes.

If you are struggling in your classes and homework isn’t helping you, then start participating in class. If you ask and answer questions throughout the period, this will help you understand what and why things are happening.

The last thing you should do, at the very least, is you classwork. Classwork is worth 20% of your final grade each quarter. If you don’t do your classwork, then this could really damage your grade not just by losing the 20% of points but losing points off quizzes and test because you don’t know anything due to not doing your classwork.

Good luck in the second quarter, and hopefully these tips can help you out a bit throughout it.