Halloween Safety Tips


Hana Leftridge

It’s that time of year again Bobcats! Haunted houses, scary movies, costumes, and free candy! Halloween is most definitely a crowd favorite, but with all the excitement, we tend to let safety slip out the window. Below, I’ve compiled a list of some things that will help keep you safe this Halloween season.

Driving on Halloween: Make sure that on Halloween you pay extra attention while driving through neighborhoods. Slow down and keep an eye out for children.

Trick-or-Treating: While trick-or-treating, ensure that small children are being safe by staying on sidewalks or crossing the street with an adult/guardian. Flashlights and reflective tape both help children stay safe while collecting candy.

Candy: I know you’ve all heard the horror stories about razor blades or nails in candy. We’d all like to believe that finding something like that in our candy would never happen but it’s better to check and be safe than take a trip to the hospital later.

Young Children: On Halloween it is so important that you keep a close eye on any children under your care. Take precaution while crossing the street and don’t let children run off unattended.

All in all Bobcats, make sure you stay safe and responsible. Have a Happy Halloween!