Reasons to Take the AP Test

Konnor-Ashley Randlett, News Editor

It is crazy to think that it is that time of year again… Time to decide whether you will be signing up for the AP tests for the AP classes that you are taking. Although the actual exams do not begin until the first week of May, registration has already began and will only be open for a limited amount of time.


The time to register for the exams is from now until March 13, 2017. The cost for the exams are $97 each, but if you register after March 13, that price increases to $107 per exam. The choice as to whether or not you will take the exams is completely up to you; however, in deciding this, here are some things to consider:


  • Talk to your teachers. You have been in a class with them for months; they know how you have been doing on exams, so get their input. Your teacher is there to help not only teach you, but also guide you. In addition, this is most likely not your teachers’ first year of teaching the AP course and they will have insight on how you would probably do.


  • Reflect on your test grades. See if you have found success on other exams for the course to determine if you would also be successful on the actual AP exams.


  • If you have started considering colleges, see if they that college will accept credit for a certain score. It may be weird to consider colleges so quickly even though you may not be a senior, it is still important to take into account the money you can save later down the road.


  • Ask yourself if you would actually prepare for it. In theory, it seems like a far enough time to be successful; however, the time goes quickly. Make sure that if you decide to take the exam, plan out time to include studying.


  • Even if you are unsure whether you would gain credit, or you feel that it would be an experience, take it. It is the closest experience to college exams until you are actually in college.


As you make this decision, understand this may benefit you in the future. If you do not feel comfortable taking the test, then do not take it. This decision is solely up to you, but consider every aspect before making the decision.