The Benefits of Detox Water

Erika Gonzales

One of the latest trends these days is drinking detox water that can help eliminate toxins from the body. Drinking this nutrient-packed water is beneficial in numerous ways depending on the ingredients put into it.

Mixing lemon, orange, and mint in water increases digestion. The acidity in the lemon and orange increases the breakdown of food in the stomach. Oranges boost the immune system, prevent cancer, reduce cardiovascular diseases, and aid in the production of red blood cells. The inclusion of mint prevents respiratory and skin problems.

Another concoction of detox water is a mixture of mango, cucumber, and ginger. Mango provides the body with rich vitamins like potassium and magnesium to control blood pressure. Mangoes also lower the risk of cancer, boost the immune system, and prevent diabetes. For people with skin problems, cucumbers aid in creating a brighter and healthier complexion. This is influenced by the cucumber’s high water content, which also prevents constipation and maintains the health of the kidneys. The addition of ginger provides relief for those experiencing menstrual cramps.

For individuals who would like to rejuvenate themselves, water mixed with cinnamon, green tea, and strawberries may be the detox mixture for you. Cinnamon increases brain function that decreases nervous tension and memory loss. Cinnamon also increases attention span allowing, for example, a student who drinks this concoction to focus on their exam. Green tea adds to this stimulation by increasing blood circulation throughout the body. Strawberries contain iodine, which can regulate the functions of the brain and the nervous system. Potassium in strawberries increases the blood flow to the brain which stimulates cognitive functions.

Blueberry, apple, and raspberry provide antioxidants for the body that can prevent cell damage. Due to their abundance of vitamin C and E, blueberries, although small, provide the same number of antioxidants as five portions of other fruits and vegetables. Raspberries contain sources of manganese and vitamin C, making it another great source for antioxidants. Apples contain iron that can increase the flow of oxygen to red blood cells in the body. This increases the body’s metabolism and organ functions.

There are other mixtures of herbs and fruits that can be put into water as your daily detox beverage. Try these ingredients and make up your own nutrient rich drink!