Can’t Find the Perfect Gift? Craft One Instead!

Cassi Misciagna

The holiday season is almost here, and its arrival is accompanied by a retail boom. However, some may not choose this route of gift-giving. Homemade gifts indicate a deeper thought and effort put into your gifts.

Designing homemade gifts and cards for relatives and acquaintances allows a person to have control on every aspect of their end product by being the ultimate judge on its quality, along with whether the gift fits in with the recipient’s interests. It allows people to construct a unique end product for the recipient that may be more cost effective than the store bought alternative, yet still have a gift that shows the care and appreciation the presenter feels for the receiver.

Constructing homemade products allows people to express their creativity in a community setting, while also letting them improve or learn lifelong skills that can be applied in other situations to either repair or improve an already created piece of merchandise. The chance to use software on computers such as Microsoft Publisher or Microsoft Word to create cards, calendars, and homemade stationary allows individuals learn about the inner workings of different program which can be beneficial later in the educational or work career.

Crafting helps build on various coordination skills and also improve memory in people of both younger and older generations. Those who participate in an artistic trade are able to improve motor coordination, bilateral coordination, the ability to use both sides of the body at once, and hand-eye coordination. Participation in a craft can improve memory in young and older minds which has been linked to a lower possibility of developing dementia later.

Fashioning homemade products helps boost a person’s self-esteem and lower the amount of stress in their everyday life, decreasing the chance of depression, insomnia, and high blood pressure.

Participation in an art related hobby allows folks to meet others with similar interests, and create a new diverse group of friends, along with bonding with friends and family who might want to know how to do the activity or a similar trade or skill.

Children who participate in a craft early in life learn different problem solving skills along with a knowledge of trial and error. These are vital skills in a child’s development.

Although the individual can receive many benefits from creating their gifts, whether a person buys their gifts or constructs them by hand this holiday season, we all desire the same result. Gifts of all kinds bring together family and friends, creating the beautiful bond attributed with the holidays. Start saving and buying your gifts now Bobcats, the holidays will be here before you know it!