Don’t Let Test Take Advantage of You

Natalie Peckham

The month of May. The days are getting longer, the school year is getting shorter, and major tests are upon us. Whether it is HSA’s, finals or AP tests the stress is immense and frightening.

As the school year comes to a close, we as high school students are thinking about how we will spend our summer vacation and far away we can get from school. During this thought, many of us forget that these final weeks are the most important. These major tests that slip our mind are fast approaching and we seem to forget that these are a major aspect of what colleges look at.

“Oh, I’ll just start studying tomorrow.” That is something I have heard many of my classmates say one too many times. This strategy may work in the beginning, but before you know it the test is tomorrow and you are cramming. Here at the Bellarion, we are focused on helping our classmates be successful during these tests and the final weeks of the year. Here are some of our top tips for taking these tests.

  1. Study! Study! Study! You don’t want to walk into the test and not know any of the information do you?
  2. If you are caught up with other things, and the test creeps up on you, don’t stay up all night cramming. It is clinically proven that after your normal bedtime, you will not retain the information and just be exhausted the next day.
  3. Eat a good breakfast. You don’t want to be starving during the test now do you?
  4. Listen to music on your way to school. The music will help you relax and unwind.
  5. Plan how you will use your time. For most AP tests, you have a certain amount of time for essays and multiple choice questions. If you are confident with one answer, but not so much the other, write the confident one first. That way you have more time to think about the answer for the one you are less confident about.

No matter what test you are taking this month, just remember to not stress too much about it. You have taken this class all year, and whether you know it or not, you know the information they are asking you. Just relax and take your time. Good luck!