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The Bellarion

The Bellarion

The Bellarion

Peer Helpers Look to Brighten Your Day

The Peer Helper program is an outreach program for new students to make their transition into the school run smoothly. The group also helps plan several of the schools sporting events, such as the Homecoming game and parade, as well as meet and greets for the new students.

Earlier this year, Peer Helpers announced a special field trip for new students, a trip to a Baltimore Orioles baseball game. The trip is the biggest event the group has ever conceived and is expected to attract a large number of new students to get involved with the program.

”We have planned some other important events but I do not think we will anything as big as the game again.” Miss Campbell, who sponsors Peer Helpers, commented.
The club is now offering tutoring during the Media Center’s regular tutoring hours, Tuesday through Thursday. This is open to new and old students alike.

Miss Campbell says that the new activities, ”encourage people to seek the program out. We have already had several people ask for help or advice and several have signed up to be part of the program.”€
Students should see Mrs. Campbell for more information about events or joining Peer Helpers.

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