Unpopular Opinion: Coffee for Everyone!

February 13, 2023
We should have coffee stations ready for students first thing in the morning. Let me tell you why.
While this seems like an insane statement, and might seem very hectic, if you think about it, we are high schoolers and some of us must wake up early in the morning and pretend to be awake for 6 hours straight. What if we no longer had to pretend?
With coffee stations, which are open in the mornings and provide coffee for students, this would help students wake up. Yes, you can go to buy coffee on your own before you go to school, but some kids don’t have 1. the time, and/or 2. the energy to talk to their nearest coffee selling place to buy coffee. Plus, a lot of us don’t have cars.
Yes, some people don’t like drinking caffeine or just can’t consume it at all, so they should simply not drink it.
And I know what you’re thinking: in the morning, it would be too crowded in those stations, and it would likely cause chaos. Here’s a solution: provide multiple. Coffee Machines, Coffee makers, and everything prepared in different areas around the cafeteria to prevent crowds. And not only that, but placing ANOTHER station for things like creamer, sugar, and everything of that nature. You can even have self-serving stations in homerooms so that there can be even less of a crowd!
So, with that, the teachers can get their coffee, the students can get their coffee, and everyone who wants coffee can get their coffee and everyone will be more energetic in the morning.
A lot of adults say that they depend on coffee a lot but say that it would be too chaotic for the students.
Miss Bowden says, “For teachers, yes. For students, no.” and Miss Zorbach says, “I feel like coffee for staff is great, but for students it should not be promoted.”
Students, on the other hand, are all for it!
Mostly the problem people see with allowing it for students is whether they would clean up after themselves. So, that is justified. But, what if we gradually do it, or do it on certain days? It can just start with those pre-made little Starbucks coffee bottles in vending machines. Then see how that goes.
Moral of the story– tired of seeing your students on the verge of falling asleep or just falling asleep in general? Coffee might help!