To the Class of 2016…

Mary Talbard, Editor in Chief

Sit back and relax. For the next few days, it’s finally going to sink in: we are graduating. Our time in Bel Air High School is over.

First of all, let me just express my gratitude to those that kept up with The Bellarion throughout the past four years. It has been my pleasure writing for this website, and I will always treasure the time I spent in Mr. Blackburn’s journalism class.

That being said, take in your surroundings as you leave school. Look for the nickel hidden in Mr. Doyle’s room, or admire Mr. Taylor’s display of comic book covers. It’s the little things that you’ll miss the most. These hallways have seemed unbearable more frequent than not, but in the end, Bel Air High School is our home.

T.S. Eliot, a poet known for his book, Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats, once said, “We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.

Right now, it’s easy to take the education that we have received for granted. We are very fortunate for the privileges that we have been presented with by attending this school. For the rest of our lives, high school will seem like such a minor aspect of our overall journeys. But one day, we will revisit these halls and be so overwhelmed with bliss when we recall the memories we made here. We must never forget our home.

In traditional Bellarion fashion, I can’t help but go out with some kind of reporting. On Thursday, June 2, the class of 2016 will no longer be students of Bel Air High School. Instead, we will be leaving as alumni—courageous people taking on the world to shape our lives.

However, if High School Musical taught me anything, it’s that we will always be united. Once a Bobcat, always a Bobcat. Congratulations everyone. I wish you all the best of luck.