What Michael Brown Should Be Remembered For

Matt Robertson

On Aug. 9, 2014, Michael Brown was shot and killed by a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri. The 18 year old was shot by police officer Darren Wilson, and while eye witness accounts, autopsies and the police report all differ, one thing is the truth in this case; Michael Brown is dead. In the aftermath of the shooting, riots erupted all over Missouri, with the worst being in Ferguson. Tear gas and rubber bullets were used to dissipate the riots in violent means and the racial tension of the town continued to escalate. Along with the riots, peaceful protests were held, but the violence continued as protestors and police officers alike were injured.

All across the nation, citizens are taking sides in the story, whether that Officer Wilson should be criminally charged for the unlawful murder of Brown, or that Brown attacked the officer and was killed in self-defense. The name Michael Brown, much like the name Trayvon Martin, has become synonymous with race, and with riot; this is wrong. The tragedy in Ferguson is of immense proportions, and the peaceful protesting is well justified, but the rioting and looting is only bringing a negative image to the town, and to Michael Brown. Michael Brown cannot be remembered for riots, and for looting. If he is remembered for those actions, nothing will be achieved from his death.

Race is prevalent in this case. Race is the driving factor in this case. The African-American community of Ferguson is tired of feeling oppressed and beaten down by the predominately white police force, and they have decided to take a stand. The eyes of the world are all on this small town in Missouri, and both sides are handling the issue incorrectly. The protestors have the right to protest as they please, and the police do not have the right to try and stop the demonstrations. Reporters have the right to report in Ferguson, but Scott Olson a photographer for Getty Images was arrested on Aug. 18, 2014.

“I want to be able to do my job as a member of the media and not be arrested for just doing my job,” said Olson, responding to his unconstitutional arrest by the Ferguson police. At the same time, the rioters and looters are cashing in on the chaos in Ferguson, and bringing a negative image on the protestors. The death of Michael Brown should not be seen as a reason to riot, it should bring a community together in mourning and overcome the racism that predominately defines this town, and much of the nation.