Girl Up Celebrates International Women’s Day!

Aubrey Klarman, Editor and Supervisor, A&E/Editorials

Wednesday, March 8th, was International Women’s Day and Girl Up, our school club that unites girls to make a difference in our school and community hosted a school-wide celebration! 

Firstly, last Wednesday, March 1st, the club held their bi-weekly meeting to make uplifting women empowerment posters to hang around our school! Some members decided to create factual posters while others went with quotes centering around girls supporting girls (keep a lookout for them when you’re walking in the halls)! 

The 3rd Floor C Wing English Teacher team wore purple Wednesday to show their support. (Becky Will)

Then, the club started pushing out for students and staff to wear green and purple on March 8th which are the official colors of International Women’s Day. Anyone who wore the colors, was able to come down to Mrs. Jill Capozzoli’s room and pick up a feminist sticker. 

Girl Up posted all over their Instagram yesterday (@bahsgirlup), creating an Instagram story that girls could screenshot on their personal Instagrams to tag other girls and uplift and appreciate them. Some things that were on the story were “@ your girl hero” and “@ someone who inspires you”. It truly was a great way to spread love on a day created to celebrate women. 

Girl Up is also partaking in the Harco Women’s Drive all through the month of March! They would like donations of feminine hygiene products such as pads, tampons and menstrual cups. All donations can be brought to Mrs. Capozzoli’s room, A220. 

Women’s History Month is all of March, so make sure to spread some love and tell the women in your lives how much you appreciate them!