New Club Sparks Hope in Bel Air Community
Ellie Harris
This past fall, students in Cats for a Cause helped fold the American Flag in the front of Bel Air High School.
November 22, 2022
Cats for a Cause, formed by senior Ellie Harris, allows Bobcat students to gather and help support the community by doing volunteer work and community service.
Harris wanted to start this club because she “wanted to give students an opportunity to volunteer and dedicate time to our community and school without needing to put in an outrageous amount of time into the club.”
In the group, students in all grade levels meet once to twice a month to brainstorm “do-good” ideas, planning to turn them into events that benefit the community.
While still in its beginning stages, Harris feels “the club has had a wonderful start!” With over 40 members, a connection is being formed among members within the club, and they will be branching out into the Bel Air community soon.
What’s next for Cats for a Cause? Members will be partaking in a drive for the humane society to provide helpful resources for the animals struggling and in need. Specific details of items needed can be found in the snapshot below!