Holiday Spirit Week Recap

Carmen Davenport

On the days December 20 to 22, 2017, Bel Air High School had its Holiday Spirit days for students and teachers to express their holiday spirit.

The first day was holiday Color Day. That’s where students and teachers get to wear the colors of the holiday they celebrate that day to school. People really get into it and can go all out and wear crazy clothes to school that match the colors. It’s really fun watching the school looking all festive because of all the colors people are wearing.

“It’s really fun picking out an outfit that has green and red in it.” says Junior, Hailee Fedele who wore leggings with a red and green shirt.

The second day was holiday sweater day. This is usually peoples favorite day because we get to wear the most ridiculous and festive sweaters. Everyone likes to participate and wear the festive sweaters. It’s a fun day to wear funny, cute, or just ugly sweaters to school. People really get into it and even wear a different sweater every year.

“Sweater day was really fun, and it was cool seeing everyone’s sweaters at school” says Junior, Maddy Crossley.

The last day was holiday hat days which also happened to be a half day for the students. People get to wear hats inside of school to show their festivity. People typically wear a Santa hat or reindeer ears but sometimes people can wear really crazy hats. It’s really fun and it’s nice that we got to get out of school early.

“I wore a Santa hat but I saw people wearing some really cool and funny hats to school that day which was really fun!” says Junior, Chloe Jacobs 

In conclusion, the spirit days are really fun days to show the festivity. Typically people have a lot of fun going out and buying things that match the day that’s going on that day. People also have a lot of fun being able to get together with your friends to see what they are wearing for that day. It also brings the school together for the holidays.