Foods Class: “Chopped” Edition

Peyton Stinnett

The time has finally come for seniors to prepare and study for their finals in their last few days at Bel Air High School before graduation. Many finals have similar format, but for Mrs. Scott’s senior Hospitality Practicum’s class, they are adding a little twist to the grading process.

On Friday, May 20, in B2 class period, the senior class will be receiving their final test in a Food Network “Chopped” themed competition. The class will receive a mystery basket filled with certain ingredients where they must create either an appetizer, entrée, or dessert. They will have 90 minutes to prep and cook their dish using only the ingredients provided.

“Each mystery basket will contain 4 ingredients that must be used in the final dish.  The students will also have access to the pantry items I have in the kitchen,” said Mrs. Scott.

The competition will be judged by a few lucky teachers and faculty members. Students will be scored based on presentation, quality of the dish, use of required ingredients, and other qualifying factors.

“Only staff and faculty will be judging.  Having additional students in the kitchen during the competition might be distracting to the participants,” Scott reminds.

We hope to see some new and experimental dishes from the senior class! Seniors, have fun with it and bring your imagination to a plate!