Soles for Souls

Johanna Hoch

Winter is coming to an end and the welcoming season of spring is around the corner. It is evident that as the weather shifts, the moods and attitudes of us alter as well. Spring is the season of change, new beginnings, and rebirth. Rather than focusing on your busy lifestyle and how much you need to worry about you and only you, what better way to enter the new season than helping those in need?

The month of March is a month to make change. Start by collecting all the gently worn pairs of shoes that you’ve had sitting around for months and bless someone in need with a pair of shoes. Soles 4 Soles is an organization that collects donations of all sizes and types of shoes to help individuals in need in 127 countries.

For the entire month of March you have the opportunity to repurpose your shoes and give them a true meaning other than just sitting around in your closet. Drop off all donations in the PE hallway at BAHS. What better feeling is it to know that a high school student like yourself can change someone’s life just by donating your outgrown/slightly worn shoes? We all can make a difference in this world thanks to amazing organizations like Soles 4 Souls.

There are so many little things we take for granted in our life. Think of March and April and all you have to worry about. Where am I going to buy my new Easter Dress? Or my new Easter shoes? Such overwhelming thoughts, right? But in reality, these little dilemmas we create in our heads are nothing in comparison to the importance of the poverty in this world and those in need. We do not consider the humans in this world that do not even own a pair of shoes, let alone a pair for a Holiday that most of us don’t even put much thought into.
This article is to encourage you to not just walk by those posters in the hallway and think “that’s a great idea, good for us.” Take a further step and look in your closet, your sibling’s closets, and your families’ closets. Ask if there are any shoes that haven’t seen the light of day in months. You can change an individual’s life just in that small, compassionate action. Give love, give shoes.