Bel Air Blood Drive

Connor Hires

On Wednesday, Dec. 14, 2015, the American Red Cross will hold a blood drive in the school in order to help meet their yearly quota of blood needed for transfusions.

The American Red Cross is an organization created in 1881 by Clara Barton who strives to alleviate human suffering throughout the United States and, with the assistance of the other Red Cross networks, the world. They have provided crucial medical aid during both World Wars and during the influenza epidemic of 1918. They introduced the first nationwide civilian blood program after World War II, which now supplies over 40 percent of the blood and blood products in the U.S.A.

Mrs. McDonough comments: “Every high school holds a blood drive to help the Red Cross meet it’s yearly quota. This year, we have a goal of 45 pints, but we are unfortunately behind. I highly encourage students to register, especially since I currently have more teachers signed up than students.”

The blood drive will be held from 7:45 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the Media Center. You can pick up an informational packet, a parental consent form, and an Informed Consent and Agreement to HIV Testing form in the cafeteria. The packet contains information on why to give blood, the blood donation process, how to prepare, how to stay calm during donation, and what to do afterwards.

The blood drive is quickly approaching, so don’t forget to pick up your forms in the cafeteria. If you have any questions, go see Mrs. McDonough in room B207. If you would like to learn more about the Red Cross and their volunteering opportunities, visit the