Bel Air is Caught Red Handed…with Homecoming Roses!

Bel Air is Caught Red Handed...with Homecoming Roses!

Conner Hires

The annual Homecoming Rose Sale will be held from Tuesday, Sept. 15, to Friday, Sept. 18.

The money earned from the sale will go to the PTSA and is specially marked to be put towards the various scholarships for seniors, just as it has for all of the previous Rose Sales.

Approximately 10,500 roses were sold last year, and approximately 11,000 were sold the year before that. Susan Hudson, who is currently in the midst of her eighth year co-chairing the sale, has stated that she would like to sell around the same number of roses this year.

Ms. Hudson said “It is tight getting that many roses prepared by the beginning of last period, so any more than that could be a problem.”

Each rose is $1.00 and can be ordered during any of the four lunches. Money can also be turned into the office with slips attached. If you do not have time to get some slips during lunch, you can check Bel Air’s Edline page and print some out.

Make sure to purchase your roses before the sale concludes or risk disappointment and possibly upsetting your friends.