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The Bellarion

The Bellarion

The Bellarion

2 Seniors Give Back in Biomedical Project

The week of May 5 to May 9, 2014, Seniors Morgan Rusinko and Emma Sybert held a toy drive for Johns Hopkins Children’s Center for their Biomedical Program Senior Project. They delivered the toys on Wed., May 14.

The girls went and shadowed Morgan’s cousin at Johns Hopkins who is a child life worker, for their Project. Her cousin showed them the Hospital Bingo for the children and how they needed more toys for the Bingo.

Hospital Bingo, the game Rusinko and Sybert donated toys towards, is an educational, social and interactive game that allows the patient to focus on something that contrasts the typical hospital setting. The children’s faces light up when they win a toy and it takes their attention away from being in a hospital. Toys that can be won in the bingo include arts and crafts, games, and stuffed animals.

Rusinko said “I enjoyed doing this project because I love hearing that the kids are so grateful for the toys they are receiving!”

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They ended up collecting 70 toys total for the toy drive and took them to the hospital this past Wednesday.

Rusinko also said that all she wanted to do was to “make the kids as happy as they can be while in the hospital.”

Child Life depends on kind donations from the community for the hospitals play room and for Hospital Bingo to make their hospital stay better.  Your gifts can help a child just be a kid while in the hospital.