On Friday, Oct. 4, 2013, seniors were lined up outside of Mrs. Walker’s classroom to adopt a teacher for the annual Secret Seniors activity long before sunrise.
Mrs. Walker and Mrs. Taylor created Secret Seniors as a way to give something back to the teachers for all of their hard work. They were inspired by the same idea that they had seen in other schools. Seniors now have the opportunity to give their ‘secret, adopted’ teacher a token of appreciation once a month.
At the end of the school year, just before graduation, the seniors will reveal themselves to their teachers.
Two seniors, Amy Younger and Megan Rolocut, arrived at the school at 3:00 a.m. before any other students. They entered the school at 4:45 a.m. and waited in front of Mrs. Walker’s classroom. At 5:45 a.m., seniors began lining up and by 6:15 a.m. the line consisted of more than 50 seniors.
“We wanted to make sure we got the teachers we wanted so we arrived before everyone else,” said Amy Younger.
“We wanted to show or teachers how much we really care about them and appreciate all that they do for us,” said Megan Rolocut.
In less than 30 minutes, 89 teachers were adopted. Some students did not receive teachers due to their teacher being taken. Teachers will receive anything from necessities for their classroom, to a few of their favorite things.
Mrs. Walker said, “You could hear the roar all the way from the first floor as you approached the A wing. [The teachers] are making an incredible difference in the lives of students at Bel Air High School! This is why we do what we do.”
So be warned underclassmen, make sure to get to school bright and early in the future so you can show your favorite teacher how much they mean to you.