2022 Club List: What You Need to Know

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Ethan Dean and Reagan Ketcham

As the 2022-23 school year gets fully underway, a lot of clubs are starting up at the same time, so follow the list below to keep track of your favorite clubs at Bel Air High School and prepare for the meetings to commence!  

*clubs are in alphabetical order* 


Academic Team (Mrs. Roppelt and Mrs. Bates) 

The academic team is a group of people who compete in trivia games throughout the school year. 

-Meets in room A303 and 304 

-Meeting time: Every Wednesday at 2:15 to 3:00 p.m. 

-Contact Mrs. Roppelt or Mrs. Bates to join.\ 


Anime Club (Mr. Rush) 

This club is full of people who enjoy discussing anime while increasing its popularity in American culture.  

-Meets in room A316 

-Meeting time: 2:15 to 3:00 p.m. 


Art Club (Ms. Jergensen)

This club allows you to express your artistic abilities while learning new skills and receiving feedback and support. 

 -Meets in room (C303)

-Meeting time: Every Wednesday at 2:15 to 3:15 


Girl Up (Mrs. Cappozoli)  

This group of people help lift girls everywhere while advancing their opportunities and rights. 

-Mets in room (A220) 

-Meeting time: Every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month at 2:00 to 2:30 p.m.  


Bel Air Drama Company (Mr. Jourdan) 

The drama club brings together people who love singing, acting, and dancing, and enrich their learning in the performing arts. 

-Meets in room G105 

-Meeting time: 3:00 to 5:30 p.m. during show seasons 


Bel Air Games Club (Mr. Simpson) 

This club is a place to form relationships while playing games.  

-Meets in room C125 

-Meeting time: Thursdays from 2:14 to 4 p.m. 


Best Buddies (Mrs. Pollard and Ms. Dennis) 

This club helps create friendships while expanding on leadership, volunteer work, and inclusive to everyone in BAHS. 

-Meets in room C220 

-Meeting time: Wednesdays once/twice a month at 2 p.m. 


Blindspot (Mr. Austing) 

While talking about controversial topics, this club helps bring together the people of BAHS while striving to make a change. 

-Meets in room C202 

-Meeting time: biweekly 


Bobcat Book Club (Mrs. Olive and Mrs. Orth) 

Discussing popular books read by many students, this club brings together other book lovers to form friendships and conversate on their interests of books. 

-Meets in room C301/Library 

-Meeting time: once a month (usually on Thursdays) from 2:15 to 3:15 p.m. 


Color Guard (Ms. Stare) 

This club participates in dancing, flags, and batons while working with the BAHS Marching Band. 

-Meets in room C102 

-Meeting time: Weekly in band season and monthly in spring 


C.O.R.E club (Mrs. Reed and Mrs. Willhelm) 

While doing fundraisers, random acts of kindness, and conducting events, the C.O.R.E club works together to spread kindness to others. 

-Meets in room A203 

-Meeting time: Meets once a month, the day depends on a vote of the group members. 


Engineering team (Mr. Serokos) 

This club works with the engineering and design process to build a model bulk cargo ship, which then competes in the Maryland engineering competition. 

-Meets in room A123 

-Meeting time: Wednesdays and Thursdays after school. 


Evirothon (Ms. Vega and Ms. Hamilton) 

This club helps enrich the knowledge of the environment to the students of Bel Air High School while researching a current environmental topic. 

-Meets in room B308 

-Meeting time: (TBD) 

Fellowship of Christian Athletes Club (Mr. Friskey) 

This club helps increase the relationship with Jesus Christ and the athletes, coaches, and students of BAHS. 

-Meets in the Gymnasium 

-Meeting time: Every other Friday 


Future Business Leaders of America (Mrs. Smith) 

Using career development programs, this club is built upon bringing leadership into the business and education of the world. 

-Meets in room A129 

-Meeting time: Every third Thursday of the month from 2:10 to 2:45 p.m. 

-$20 fee for national dues and regional competitions 


Future Teachers of America (Sponsor TBD) 

This club helps prepare students into fulfilling the teaching role in public education. 

-Meets in room: (TBD) 

-Meeting time: Every third Thursday of the month from 2:10 to 2:45 p.m. 


Genders and Sexualities Alliance Network (Mrs. Willhelm) 

This is a club that justifies the LGBTQ+ community and helps make the schools and community a safer place. 

-Meets in room C307 

-Meeting time: Every 2nd Friday of the month, 2:15-3:00 p.m.


Girls Who Code (Mrs. Capozzoli) 

This club inspires girls to close the gender gap and become computer scientists and engineers. 

-Meets in room A220 


Hope Club (Mrs. McDonough) 

While volunteering, helping others, and giving back to others, the HOPE club strives to decrease those struggling and those in need while forming a community of people together. 

Meets in room B207 


Kindness Club (Dr. Rebecca Gault)  

This club is dedicated to performing random acts of kindness for people all around the school.   

Meets in room C224  

-Contact Dr. Gault to join 

-Every B-day Friday during homeroom 


Mock Trial (Mrs. Jessica Nielson and Mr. Andrew Austing)  

This club is to help students understand the law and the court system while exploring law-related professions.  

-Meets in room C202 

-Contact Mrs. Nielson or Mr. Austing to join 

-Meeting times and dates TBD 

-Starts November/December time frame 


PAWS: Peer Assistance and Wellness Support (Mrs. Deanna Smith and Mrs. Jill Capozzoli)  

This club is to ensure all students are comfortable by offering tours, mentoring, and club/sports liaisons.   

-Teacher located in rooms A219 and A220 

-Application process opens in the spring 

-Meetings are morning during homeroom 


Perspectives (Mr. Calvin Skelton)  

This club is to give students a chance to hear out opposing views and offer different perspectives on certain issues.  

-Meetings after school, dates TBD 

-Contact Mr. Calvin Skelton for any questions 

-Located in room C223 


REACH: Raising Educational Awareness on Clinical Health (Mrs. Kathleen Donaldson)  

This club is to bring attention to clinical health issues and use it to promote education.  

-Meets after school once a month 

-Meets in room B202 

-Email [email protected] to join  

-Attend meetings, participate in fundraisers, community service 


Reverie (Advised by Mrs. Holly Olive, student run by Aubrey Klarman and Mackenzie Cooney)  

This club helps run the school’s arts and literary magazine.  

-Meets every Tuesday in the Media Center 

-2:15 to 3:00 p.m. 

-Walk in to join !


SMASH University (Mr. Max Flerlage)  

This club enjoys playing Super Smash Bros. and uses teamwork and strategy to achieve goals.  

-Meets every Friday after school, Tuesday if Friday is an early dismissal 

-Room A206 


Speech and Debate (Mrs. Christin Orth and Mrs. Emily Zorbach)  

This club debates current event topics and improves public speaking skills.  

-Competitions every Thursday from September-March 

-Contact Mrs. Orth or Mrs. Zorbach to join in rooms C301 and B211 respectively 

-No experience necessary 


Sports for Life (Mr. David Ackley and Mrs. Denae Clark)  

This club involves students with disabilities participating with non-disability peers.   

-Sport during Fall, Winter, and Spring 

-Practice 1-2 times a week with tournament at end of season 

-Contact Mr. David Ackley or Mrs. Denae Clark to join 


STARS: Students Taking a Responsible Stand (Mrs. Chris McDonough)  

This club tackles issues facing high school students like drugs and alcohol, bullying, and mental health disorders. Public awareness campaigns are hosted throughout the year.  

-Online meetings before big events 

-Email [email protected] or stop by room B207 to apply 

-Encourage being substance free 


SGA: Student Government Association (Mr. Timothy Roth)  

This club is made up of student leaders who represent students. Strives to create a strong school community.  

-Room C204 

-Contact Mr. Timothy Roth for more information 


Varsity Club (Mrs. Chris McDonough)  

This club supports good sportsmanship and encourages students to come out to games. Only Varsity sports players can join.  

-Meetings held online and through email 

-Applications outside B207 on the bulletin board 

-MUST have played or managed a Varsity sport 

-Stop by room B207 for more information or email Mrs. Chris McDonough 


Voices of Equity (Mrs. Kelly Blackburn)  

This club promotes understanding and acceptance of diversity, celebrating our differences and bringing everyone closer together.  

-Meets 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month 

-2:10 p.m. in room C302 

-Contact Mrs. Kelly Blackburn to join 


Winter Conditioning Club (Mrs. Andrea Gwin)  

This club gives students a chance to prepare for Spring sports through weight training and flexibility exercises.  

-Meets in gymnasium 

-Starts in December, ends February 18 

-Contact Mrs. Andrea Gwin to join 


WISE Club (Ms. Kristen Barry)  

This club expands and improves opportunities for women in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM).  

-Meets the 2nd Thursday of each month 

-All girls are welcome  

-Contact Ms. Kristen Barry 


Yearbook (Mrs. Elizabeth McCourt)  

This club is for students interested in photography who would like to take and submit photos for the yearbook.  

-More of a class than a club ; consider taking the class as an elective!

-Contact Mrs. Elizabeth McCourt for more information 

-Room C315 


Yoga Club (Mrs. Andrea Gwin)  

This club provides a safe space to explore breathing and movement through yoga.  

-Starts in December, ends in June 

-Meets once a week 


-Contact Mrs. Andrea Gwin to join 


Youth Earth Savers (Ms. Kristen Snell)  

This club focuses on solutions for environmental issues, including conservation of local forests and waterways.  

-Meets every 2nd Monday of the month 

-Room A104 

-Instagram is @youth_earth_savers_bahs 


The 2022-23 school year is filled with clubs, and with that comes variety. We hope you find a club that meets your interests and experience the community that comes with it. The choice is yours!