Zombies & Cities: BADC Announces Fall Shows


Danielle Burke

The Bel Air Drama Company will be producing two fall shows this year. A musical, Zombie Prom (opening in October) and a play, A Tale of Two Cities (opening in November).

Zombie Prom is a musical produced by John Dempsey that is set in the ‘50s. It’s a tale of a teenage girl named Toffee and her rebel boyfriend named Jonny. The principal, Miss Delilah Strict, forces Toffee to break it off with Jonny. Because of the betrayal, Jonny rides his motorcycle into a nearby power plant and flings himself into a nuclear cooling tower. Jonny comes back to life, but not as a human… as a ZOMBIE! Principal Strict threatens to cancel the senior prom if any student is supporting having a zombie come back to the school. Full of catchy songs, great music and a surprise ending, you will not want to miss this show.

A Tale of Two Cities is a novel written by Charles Dickens that has been adapted into a play. It is set in London and Paris before and during the French Revolution. It focuses on the love triangle between Lucie Manette, a French aristocrat, Charles Darnay and a drunken English cynic, Sydney Carton. The show is classic that will be entertaining for everyone.

Auditions for the play and musical will be held next week on Wednesday, September 3rd and Thursday, September 4th starting right after school. Sign- up sheets are located in the music hallway near the Black Box Theater. Audition materials needed are the student information sheet, a 16-measure prepared song, a monologue and a joke. Break a leg BADC!