Come Join the Reverie!

Quinn Baumeister

The first meeting of Reverie, Bel Air High School’s literary magazine, will be held on Wednesday, September 3, 2014 in room C222.

Reverie is composed of a selection of submitted student written poems or short stories. It also features submitted student artwork.

The magazine is also completely student run. The staff meets every Wednesday in Mr. Taylor’s room to edit and approve submitted works and anyone is welcome to help.

“For me, the best part about Reverie primarily is the fact that the kids do everything,” said Mr. Taylor, the faculty advisor for the magazine. “They’re responsible for creating something tangible for their writing experience and I think that’s really kind of neat.”

If a student wants to submit a piece of work, they can speak to their English teacher, or submit their work directly to Mr. Taylor.

“I like seeing all the creativity in the school,” said MJ Krchnavy, BAHS senior and chief editor of Reverie. “Just being able to help people with their writing and showing them that they can be published is really awesome.”

The magazine is published and distributed closer towards the end of the school year.