100 Heighe Street · Bel Air, MD 21014 · 410-638-4600

The Bellarion

The Bellarion

The Bellarion

Band Day Successful Despite Cancelled Concert

On Tue., Feb. 19 2014, Bel Air High School was scheduled to hold their annual Band Day where all band students in grades 4 and 5 from feeding elementary schools and all students from Bel Air Middle School come to the BAHS to work with Mr. Tony Domenico, High School band director and Mrs. Sherri Domenico, Middle School band director. Students get a chance to perform with the other feeding schools and the Bel Air High School band. Due to the inclement weather, the occasion was adjusted and the evening concert was cancelled.

The event is coordinated by Mr. Domenico The event began at 9:30 A.M. when the elementary school students came to the High School to do a workshop with Mr. and Mrs. Domenico. The event will still take place next year and hopefully go on as planned.

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