100 Heighe Street · Bel Air, MD 21014 · 410-638-4600

The Bellarion

The Bellarion

The Bellarion

Welcome to Crazytown

On October 25 and 26, Bel Air High School’s Drama 3 class put on the play Crazytown by Jonathan Rand.

The audience took a tour of the most messed up town in America, from the police interrogation room where the nicest guy in town is issued a strange ultimatum to become more of a jerk, to the elementary school for a heated political debate on critical issues on how girls are gross and the state of tater tots. Welcome to Crazytown, where the motto is: Welcome to Crazytown.

MJ Krchnavy saw the play Friday night concluding the play was, “hilarious, everyone who sees it would enjoy the humor.”

The play was made to be performed by a cast of four, but expandable to over seventy actors. The school performed the play with fourteen students. Crazytown was written in 2013 and has already been performed over twenty times in thirteen states.

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Sarah Graham said that her favorite scene was, “One of the last scenes. Molly Valentine and I were trying to make the more classic plays and musicals, that show nudity and cuss words, get rid of all the bad stuff with a remote. It’s really funny what the remote does”.

Crazytown was a success, the cast should be proud of the work and dedication they put into the show, it paid off.