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Spring Sports are Ready to Bloom

Just a couple of weeks away, spring sports are eager to take over where winter left off.
BAHS Track ready for action!
BAHS Track ready for action!

With spring sports on the way, students must sign up on form ReLeaf and turn in a physical to Mr. Craig Reddish for their desired sport. Students are expected to participate in 3 days of tryouts to determine if they made the team. Coaches look for teamwork, communication and effort from participants during tryouts. Tryouts for these sports are the first week of March.  

Students must also have a passing grade to participate. 2nd and 3rd quarter grades determine eligibility for these sports, and if you would like to play a sport while obtaining an E, you must go through an appeal process. Failing while on a spring sports team will get you kicked off the team as well. 

Practice varies from these springs sports, with Track & Field having Monday through Saturday practice, and other teams differing. Not showing up to these practices or meetings can result in getting kicked off the team. 

These teams have competitive games with other schools in the county and take bus rides as a team, which should be taken into consideration. It is important to note that these sports require purchases, like baseball bats, cleats or spikes, or tennis rackets or helmets. If you have any questions, contact Sports Director, Craig Reddish 

Track and Field, Baseball, Tennis, and Lacrosse will all be eager to continue the exciting performances from the winter teams, so be sure to attend some games!